Margaret Rodgers: Misses, Lasses, & Sheilas
Reception: Saturday, May 25, 1 – 4 pm Solar printing is a seasonal exercise during those months when direct sunlight pours into the skylight in my attic studio. My practice is to print various images on heritage linens, embroidered with phenomenal skill predominantly by women. One can imagine the hours of quiet solitude with needlework a respite from housework, or a defence against boredom. A ladylike pastime. Thinking about this delicate work and reviewing my bank of 2023 solar prints, I decided to make the show an entirely gendered affair. From my recent cache, I have pulled out a decidedly girlish collection. Source images for manipulated negatives include family pictures and my drawings and photographs. |
Lately I have been taking advantage of the sunlight to make new solar prints. Here are a few:
2021 work
2018-19 work
Out of Time
(site/cite/cité/city) SPECIFIC
“The Shwa”
“The Shwa”
This body of work is an extension of my ongoing interest in Oshawa heritage. Based on archival photographs (Ontario Archives, Bouckley Collection), the series consists of mixed media works on canvas. The content deals with incidental images found in early photographs, often grainy or blurry but suggestive of daily life at the time. The act of featuring these images is a subversion of the original intent of the photographer, calling up the manner in which we are all background strangers incidentally captured in passing, and as a picture-taking culture we also participate in capturing background as well as foreground ourselves.